Wednesday, July 8, 2009

this sat

hey all a few of us are meeting up at the studio at 4:30pm this saturday, the 11th, for this event my friend karlson is helping out with/apart of . we already have a booth confirmed, now all i need are a few artist to come through. we're allowed to sell, paint, display, hang out, and partake in the festivities- the usual. if you decide to sell anything you can keep whatever profits you make or to donate a percentage of it to the "green" cause, it's up to you and no worries on what you decide to do. just let me know if you're down. i dunno how many our booth will accommodate but i'm sure we have room for a few more people...
here are the folks who are confirmed to go so far:
jess [me]
albert [?]
please let me know if you are willing to come along by responding to this post OR mail me:
the more the merrier [but not too many ;P]
<3 .r ssej