Friday, May 30, 2008

my iphoto blog

from my iphone to your eye.. uhh eyes.
click me
with updates on the fly

Better Late Than Never!

Tonight from 6:30PM to 8:30PM at Umpqua Bank in Vallejo, Individual Collective will be doing live painting and exhibiting a few pieces for sale from our coffers.

Be there or be square.

-Get Up. Stay Up.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blu's - MUTO

this is inspiring..

This is getting crazy

City Council Gets Tough On Graffiti VandalsPITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― Pittsburgh City Council gave final approval today of a plan to crack down on graffiti vandalism. Not only will offenders have higher fines to pay, but they'll also be forced to clean up the damage they've caused. A week ago community activists in Lawrenceville were reacting to a very public trial about graffiti, and the word "forgive" that was painted on many walls throughout the town. Some cleanup has begun, but there is still quite a bit of work to do. Today, council passed a bill to get tougher on graffiti vandalism. The upcoming sentencing for Daniel Montano for graffiti vandalism, even with the possibility of $300,000 in restitution costs, does not include any fines to be paid to the city. That's because city law had no provision for fines. But the new law passed by council today does call for fines and, infact; council increased the fines from the original bill introduced last week. It only called for fines ranging from $100 to $500. Now the fines will be steep, and will go towards a city graffiti cleanup trust fund. "What's on the books now is basically only calls for possible assignment of community service if you're convicted of damaging property by doing graffiti," says Pittsburgh City Councilman Bruce Kraus said. He adds that, "this actually imposes fines that will come then, not as restitution, but in addition to restitution." The bill also calls for art and paint suppliers to keep potential graffiti equipment in sight of employees to prevent theft. "Some of them are very great artists, but what they're doing is not artistic. And we need to find ways for them to find something that's productive," Pittsburgh City Council Rev. Ricky Burgess said.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sidewalk Chalk Day in Downtown Vallejo

i know its been awhile...and they may not be in order...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

L&BH news: Call for entries and Ape update...

Hey IC. I get regular updates from L&BH's web mag.
They have a big list for Artist Call for Entries. Maybe the IC can work on sumthing together.
Check um out! See if there is something for you individually or collectively.

Plus APE news:

Applications are open for Exhibitor Tables. So we can register for a table for the IC.

that's the word...


Dream Girl Studies.... Feed back appreciated..

Hey IC. I've been practicing my CG coloring on an old drawing I did in school I titled Dream Girl.
The first was just with my wacom pen and more in a painterly-loose style I normally paint with and the last two are in the style of classic Image comics gradient shading. I would love some feed back and I got more to post.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

sorry im going blog happy lately...

BUT, just lettting everyone know, that i'm going to be painting just about everyday after i get off work. i usually get off around 2-4 ish so just give me a call if you are free. although most times i am quiet around a bunch of people i do talk, believe it or not. and i enjoy company. imma try to paint out of the house more such as starbucks or tapx and if not, my house where i have grapefruit soda and cheezitz...

hollerrr my individual collective buddies..

will i find my sanity or will i find my glory...

most don't know, that i have a special talent due to eating too much candy and drinking too much soda...
i can spit blood by sucking the inside of my back tooth...

(copied from my own individual blog, but this is an old piece of art? pre-dyno days)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Come weeth me if you want to leev!

Fun session last night w/Dyno, Ant, Me, Nico and Jess. Painting, pizza and predators!

Next time more grapefruit drink!

my favorite customers....muahaha...

guess who....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chalk day 2

copia day 2.... slideshow make it easier to upload ;p

fun fun fun!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

copia chalk day 1

pre-planning party 05.16.08

8:30am copia @ napa.. artists are already bustin' sketches plotting grids.. yadda yada

claiming territory... lacing the curve

the street artist posse pose

why everyone wanna pose but nobody wants to take pictures?

my little cupcake <3

more tomorrow.

stay outside the line ;)

bring cameras people. treat your interns right.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Disney's gettin' up?!!!

You guys have to check out this project that Disney (yes Disney) put together.
It's called Block28 . They took a street , lowbrow, graph style to their characters.
It's actually quite illmatic! This show is hot and the store is too...

Man it's crazy how the mainstream catches a clue after a long amount of time.
This got me fired up cause it's a vision for what we're doing.
